Smoking fresh picked buds might be tempting if you’ve got no ready weed to get high on. After all, most edible stuff are rich when fresh. You want to take your fruits and vegetables fresh from the garden. You want the kitchen to be immersed in the freshness of the meals cooked therein, but you […]
Will Smoking Weed In The Shower Get Rid Of The Smell? (Facts, Tips & Tools)
Smoking weed is fun until you’re stuck with the weed stank for hours. It’s worse when you’re just getting a hit before you leave for work, class, or whatever you do that gets you mixing up with people. (This post contains affiliate links. If you buy through them, we will get a commission at no […]
Dangers of Smoking Moldy Weed
Stoners rarely speak about getting high on moldy weed. That’s because it’s gross, and the ones caught by deprivations of nature— and hit a full blunt of moldy junk are too proud to admit it. Avoid moldy weed at all costs. Be it the super strain you found in your cabinet smelling all suspicious or […]
How Long Does Edible Marijuana Stay In Your System?
Cannabis edibles provide a great option to get high without inhaling smoke. Smoke is a respiratory tract irritant that might leave you coughing and have other adverse health issues if prolonged. Getting high on edibles is, therefore, a better way, especially if puff, puff, pass doesn’t excite you. If you asked me to choose between […]
Canna Cough: Why Do You Cough After Taking A Hit of Marijuana?
Every stoner has suffered incessant coughs after hitting the joint. It happens— even to experienced stoners. You take a hit, and your throat is all hoarse, and your eyes begin to tear as you cough your lungs out. Incessant coughing fits can spoil your session, especially when the coughs force you to pass the joint […]
How Do You Get Rid of Stoned Eyes Fast?
Perhaps you have smoked weed on your way to work. The air fresheners have removed the weed stank, but your eyes are about to reveal your little secret to the boss. The red eyes, though not painful, can be the deal-breaker. You can get rid of the red, high eyes after smoking weed by using […]
How Do You Stay Productive While High?
Getting stoned is all fun until you realize you have so much to do, and no mood to work. It happens. Weed, for most people, is a chill drug— taken when you have the time to relax, meditate, and fill your free time. However, when you become an everyday-stoner, you must find a way around […]
How Long Does a Marijuana High Last?
One of the worries that most stoners, especially beginners, have is whether they will be safe to walk home after stoning. You want to know how long does a marijuana high last so that you’re not caught off guard when the effects kick in. Maybe you want to head right into a lecture just an […]
Weed Paranoia: 9 Tips to Combat cannabis-induced paranoia
Almost every stoner has had a weed paranoia experience. While everybody stones for the feelings of euphoria and enchantment, sometimes you end up with feelings of panic and paranoia. And it’s normal, don’t freak out. Let’s look at the scientific explanation of how weed causes paranoia. How Does Weed Cause Paranoia? Well, the link between […]
10 Types of Stoners You Must Avoid
The company you keep while smoking weed matters. You want to be with people who bring fun, engage you in deep conversations, and spread the good vibes. You want to light your joint knowing that the person you’re smoking with builds the memories— not diluting the broth of your high with unnecessary arguments or baseless […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Smoke Weed Before Bed
Do you have a favourite time to stone? For most stoners, weed hits euphoric high any time. However, we all have weed rituals— a thing you do with weed the same way every time. For me, I hit my joint before bed every single day. That’s my ritual. And I have 5 reasons why you […]
6 Golden Rules of Smoking Weed with a Lady
We all love some company when stoning. The better the company, the better the sesh! You want to smoke your joint as heart-warming stories go around with the joint, and nothing but good vibes dominating the highs of the moment. Ladies are perfect smoke session partners; they’re chilled, warm, and free-spirited. However, stoning with a […]