Smoking weed is fun until you’re stuck with the weed stank for hours. It’s worse when you’re just getting a hit before you leave for work, class, or whatever you do that gets you mixing up with people.
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Smoking weed in the shower is one of the ways the internet knows to kill the weed smell. Whether you’re looking to take the smell off your clothes or to mask the weed smell as you smoke so that your house doesn’t get swathed in the horrid-smelling weed, smoking in the shower, they say, does the trick. But does it really work?
Will Smoking Weed In The Shower Get Rid Of The Smell?
Smoking in the shower reduces the smell of weed. This is because the steam from the hot shower increases the moisture content in the air, which smoke particles absorb. This diffuses the smoke particles, making the smell less potent.
This does a great deal of sucking in the smell, but weed emits such a strong smell that you will need to combine it with other methods to deal with the odor completely.
Most people who claim to have used the method successfully swear they didn’t smoke joints. Joints, unlike bongs and pipes, leave such a strong scent that smoking in the steaming-hot shower can’t wipe out entirely.
Joints also leave ash that further enhances the smell. The combustion of the joint into the open air— even in a closed space like your bathroom— leaves a lot of unfiltered smoke particles in the air.
It gets worse when you’re trying to mask the smell and hide your smoking tendencies from the people you live with in the same house.
If you intend to smoke real joints, smoking weed in the shower won’t give you the cover you wish for. It can reduce the weed smell in the house, but someone will know you’ve smoked.
Of course, there is a lot of misinformation around smoking in the bathroom. Ask anyone about how to smoke in the hotel rooms, and the hot shower bagel will come dropping out of their mouths.
Smoking in the shower might sound ingenious, but don’t bank on it solely if you really desire stealth. If your safety depends on it, don’t do it.
How to Smoke in The Shower When There’s No Risk (Step-by-Step)
Smoking in the shower is more beneficial when you’re not trying to hide that you’re a stoner.
If you’re in your house and just want to control the smell, then smoking in the shower can diffuse the smoke and reduce the weed stank in your house.
The keyword here is to reduce, not wipe out entirely.
Step 1: Turn the shower on and let it run for some time. Ensure it is at the hottest to give off more stream because you need the steam to suck in the weed smell.
Step 2: Leave the shower curtains open. You need this steam to escape into the bedroom to increase the moisture content in the air. This helps to diffuse smoke particles that somehow escape to your bedroom.
Step 3: After running the shower for about 10 minutes, close the curtain and take your spot in the shower where the water doesn’t get to you, but the steam engulfs you.
Step 4: Place a damp towel on the crack between the bathroom door and concrete. You want to seal the gaps that might let the raw smoke escape out of the bathroom.
Step 5: Light your joint and smoke your weed till the session ends with the shower still running.
Step 6: Dump the content of the ashtray into the toilet bowl and flush immediately. If you leave the ash to sit in the bowl, it will leave a dark stain on the toilet bowl.
Step 7: Let the shower run for five more minutes before you open the bathroom door. You can use these five minutes to clean your ashtray so that all the smell remains in the bathroom.
Step 8: It’s done. Get out of the shower and continue with the day’s schedule.
When you step out of the shower, you won’t catch the smell of weed because the stronger scent that hits you when you toke makes your nose blind. However, if there is someone else in the room, they will catch a whiff of the weed stank. So this procedure won’t work when stealth is a big issue.
How to Smoke in The Shower When There’s Risk of Being Caught (Step-by-Step)
Smoking in hotel rooms can be pretty difficult when weed is illegal, and the chances of being caught are high. From stoner to another, I’ll advise you not to smoke a real joint in such circumstances.
Instead of lighting the real joint, use a bong or pipes. They don’t give off as much smell as real joints.
You will also need to add a few more items and rituals to make smoking the shower more effective. Follow this step-by-step guide for smoking in the shower for the best results.
Step 1: Turn the shower on and let it run for some time. Ensure it is at the hottest to give off more stream because you need the steam to suck in the weed smell.
Step 2: Leave the shower curtains open; you need this steam to escape into the bedroom to increase the moisture content in the air. This helps to diffuse smoke particles that somehow escape to your bedroom.
Step 3: As the shower runs and fills the bathroom with steam, pack the bowl.
Step 4: Place a damp towel on the crack between the bathroom door and concrete. You want to seal the gaps that might let the raw smoke escape out of the bathroom.
If you’ve got the bathroom fan, turn it on.
Step 5: Find a comfortable position and begin your session. To further curb the smell, blow the smoke into a sploof— these have carbon filters that further take the smell out of the smoke.
You can make one pretty fast by stuffing the inner tube of tissue paper with dryer papers. These will suck the smell out of the smoke.
If you don’t have a sploof (even the basic one you can make yourself), blow the smoke into the thick steam.
Step 6: Empty the bong water into the toilet and flush.
Step 7: Let the shower run for five more minutes. The fan too. You can take a shower at this time to remove any lingering weed smell on your body.
Step 8: Turn off the shower, and leave the bathroom. You should leave the fan rumbling on for more minutes.
Step 9: Use smell diffusers like Febreze or Cannabolish. Spray the bathroom and ensure nobody steps in the shower right after you. You can also use scented candles in your room. They don’t get the weed scent out, but they mask it until it naturally dissipates into thin air.

Essential Tips When Smoking in The Shower Where Smoking Is Risky
Consider the strain — Some strains are just too smelly to be hidden. When choosing the strains to smoke in your hotel room, go for mild-smelling strains. Their smell dissipates faster with less work on your part.
Use a percolator — A percolator is another chamber of water on the shaft of the bong. It provides an additional layer to cool the hit off and remove irritants from the smoke.
Blow the smoke into a sploof— A sploof does a great job of sucking the smell from the smoke. It has carbon filters that do an exemplary job draining the smoke particles of the weed stank. Thus, the smoke leaves on the other end thinner and having no smell.
Pack a few buds— The more you keep in the combustion chamber at a time, the more the smell. So it’s better to pack a little and add more later than fill the chamber at once.
Invest in Weed Air Freshener— Weed air fresheners are made for both the weed smell and the smoke. They do not just mask the weed smell but diffuse them completely, leaving your room smelling nothing like weed.
We wrote a lengthy guide to buying air fresheners for the weed smell. It will help you know what works, affordably!
One sure-fire to get 100% concealment is to vape your weed!
In summary, smoking in the shower is an ingenious way to control the smoke. However, when you’re smoking in a high-risk apartment, then you’ll need to do more to completely wipe out the smell fast.
Smoke into a sploof, light scented candles, and use weed air fresheners. The weed stank can be stubborn, especially for the skunky strains. You can do more than just turn the steaming shower on!