How Long Does Weed Stay Fresh?

When Can I Stop Burping My Jars?

The curing process of weed dramatically affects the final product. It can make or break your harvest. How you cure your weed will affect a range of properties from potency to flavor, appearance, and aroma. You should not overlook one critical component of the curing process: burping, as it improves the product’s taste and potency […]

How Dark Does Drying Room Need to Be?

Why Do You Hang Cannabis Plants Upside Down to Dry?

If you care about your buds’ quality, you will pay more attention to the last miles of your weed growing journey. It would be ridiculous, even heartbreaking, to give your plants first-class care during their entire growth but loosen your resolve during the drying phase. While every stage is important, you lose so much when […]

How to Grow Bigger Buds Outdoors

How Dark Should a Drying Room Be?

Growing weed doesn’t end with harvesting. Every grower knows that. While the growing phase takes the most time and effort, harvesting ushers you into another delicate procedure— drying, and later curing. It is through drying and curing that the weed gets its distinct taste and aroma. Essential to retaining the terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids, drying […]

Can Cannabis Plants Recover from Root Rot

Can Cannabis Plants Recover from Root Rot?

Growing weed is quite enjoyable once you’ve mastered it. But as a beginner, you’ll encounter problems no one prepared you for. And some of these eventualities might kill your plants. Root rot is one such disaster, if it eats into your plant so much, it inhibits the absorption of nutrients from the ground, starving your […]

How Do You Fix Overwatering in Cannabis Plants?

How Do You Fix Overwatering in Cannabis Plants?

Many factors contribute to the healthy growth of cannabis plants. Good lighting, airflow, nutrients, and human capital are all key in the optimal development of any crop. Water is an essential ingredient in keeping weed plants healthy, strong, and happy. The watering process is not as simple as it seems. Watering weed is a balancing […]

Can Too Much Molasses Kill Your Cannabis Plant?

Can Too Much Molasses Kill Your Cannabis Plant?

Over the years, growers have employed various techniques to spur crop growth, build immunity, and increase yields. While there are many boost products on shelves today, people still prefer organic nutrients to chemically-manufactured fertilizer. Organic nutrients are kinder to plants— rich, safe, and mostly, low cost. Molasses is one of the wonder brews for the […]

What Happens If You Don’t Flush Before Harvest?

What Happens If You Don’t Flush Before Harvest?

There has been a debate among weed growers on whether flushing is a beneficial procedure or an unnecessary indulgence. Those against it believe that flushing plants before harvesting robs them of vital nutrients they need for the final lap of their life’s journey. The flushing supporters believe that flushing frees the weed plant from excess […]

How Do I Make My Buds Smell Stronger?

How Do I Make My Buds Smell Stronger?

While most growers only worry about the harvest volume, paying close attention to the aroma is essential. After all, you must love the aroma every time you open your weed jar if you’re to enjoy the smokes. Stronger smelling buds receive their glory from their perceived potency. When it smells stronger, it’s richer in terpenes— […]

How Do I Make My Trichomes Bigger?

How Do I Make My Trichomes Bigger?

Trichomes give your plant the richness it nurtures through the flowering process. When the plant begins to flower, you will notice the mushroom-like crystals covering the flower; behold, that’s the gem you’re toiling for. The bigger, the richer, making giant trichomes a dream of every grower. According to a study by the University of British […]

How Many Fans Should You Have In Your Grow Tent?

What Week Do Buds Grow the Most? (Week by Week Progress)

Growing cannabis is a labor of love, and you will need signs to keep your motivation up and your hands working. Speaking of signs, nothing motivates a grower more than the buds growing. Formation and fattening of the buds give you the reason to keep sweating. Knowing the week buds grow the most can help […]

Is it Normal for Leaves to Die During Flowering?

Is it Normal for Leaves to Die During Flowering?

Any changes during the flowering stage can be a cause for concern whether you are a rookie or an experienced grower. If you’re wondering whether it is normal for leaves to die during flowering, this article should put your mind at ease. Is It Normal for Leaves to Die During Flowering? It is normal for […]

How to Take Care of Your Trimming Machines

How to Take Care of Your Cannabis Trimming Machines

Trimming machines cost a lot of money. Whether you’re going for the low-end brands or buying the $10,000 plus industrial trimmer, it is an investment that you want to serve you for long. You must take care of the machines to lengthen their lifespan and enhance their efficiency. Trimming machines come in different shapes, sizes, […]

All You Should Know About Re-Vegging Cannabis Plants

All You Should Know About Re-Vegging Cannabis Plants

Marijuana is an annual flowering plant, which means that it completes its life cycle (from germination, growth, flowering, and harvesting) in a single season. The dormant seed is the only part that survives one growing season to the next. Once you harvest the marijuana buds, you are not likely to benefit from the weed plant’s […]

What Causes Brown Spots on Cannabis Plant Leaves?

What Causes Brown Spots on Cannabis Plant Leaves?

Brown spots on cannabis leaves can arise from various deficiencies. This delicate plant can suffer great damage due to a lack of nutrients or poor growth conditions. If your cannabis plant has started developing brown spots, it’s most likely suffering from a nutrient deficiency. The cannabis leaves should be green and rich in chlorophyll to […]

How Often Should I Water My Cannabis Plants During Flowering?

How Often Should I Water My Cannabis Plants During Flowering?

Watering cannabis plants should be the easiest thing to do. After all, all plants need water, right? However, most growers, including seasoned cannabis cultivators, get it wrong. One of the most common mistakes is overwatering, which hinders your plant’s health and wastes your efforts. During the flowering stage, your beloved cannabis flourishes, and with good […]

How to Grow Marijuana from Clones

How to Grow Marijuana from Clones

Cloning cannabis is a clever way to get more yield of the same quality as your best-ever weed. Once you’ve got the right qualities, you can clone it so that you never run out of your best weed. Thanks to science, you never have to go through the arduous process of identifying your ideal weed. […]

When to Start Super Cropping Cannabis Plants

When to Start Super Cropping Cannabis Plants

Unlike other crops that you can simply put in soil, water, and watch blossom, cannabis plants need a little more care to give you the high yields every grower dreams of harvesting. Training your cannabis plant is essential in your pursuits for branch-burdening yields. There are several ways of training weed to ensure maximum yield. […]

How to Build A Cannabis Grow Room in a Garage

How to Build A Cannabis Grow Room in A Garage

Growing cannabis indoors comes with a lot of benefits. Apart from saving you money, you can be sure of the quality you’re consuming. Though you trust your dealer or the dispensary near you, anything grown commercially might forego the small, essential procedures— like proper drying and curing—that make the weed safe and potent.  If you […]

How Many Marijuana Plants Can You Grow in Nevada?

How Many Cannabis Plants Can You Grow in Nevada?

Most states have legalized the use of weed, including the State of Nevada. Nevada legalized the recreational use of weed on the 1st of January, 2017, after a ballot initiative in November 2016. This means that the inhabitants of the state can grow weed at home if there isn’t a licensed retailer near their property. […]