If you’re reading this, most probably, you’re not a stoner. Trust me, you can’t be a stoner and fail to know you’re one. There’s just a vibe to it, and it’s so amazing that stoners never have a problem being stoners. If you only smoke weed when you get it, then you’re far from […]
Why Do You Hang Cannabis Plants Upside Down to Dry?
If you care about your buds’ quality, you will pay more attention to the last miles of your weed growing journey. It would be ridiculous, even heartbreaking, to give your plants first-class care during their entire growth but loosen your resolve during the drying phase. While every stage is important, you lose so much when […]
How Do I Make My Buds Smell Stronger?
While most growers only worry about the harvest volume, paying close attention to the aroma is essential. After all, you must love the aroma every time you open your weed jar if you’re to enjoy the smokes. Stronger smelling buds receive their glory from their perceived potency. When it smells stronger, it’s richer in terpenes— […]
7 Ways to Consume Weed Without Smoking It
Weed is popularly associated with smoking. It’s what everyone tells you, including Uncle Snoop— smoke the weed every day, don’t smoke the seed no way— smoking is where most people begin. Smoking has its share of pros and cons. I’m yet to meet a stoner who doesn’t love an instant high that you get when […]
What Week Do Buds Grow the Most? (Week by Week Progress)
Growing cannabis is a labor of love, and you will need signs to keep your motivation up and your hands working. Speaking of signs, nothing motivates a grower more than the buds growing. Formation and fattening of the buds give you the reason to keep sweating. Knowing the week buds grow the most can help […]
All You Should Know About Re-Vegging Cannabis Plants
Marijuana is an annual flowering plant, which means that it completes its life cycle (from germination, growth, flowering, and harvesting) in a single season. The dormant seed is the only part that survives one growing season to the next. Once you harvest the marijuana buds, you are not likely to benefit from the weed plant’s […]
How Long Does Edible Marijuana Stay In Your System?
Cannabis edibles provide a great option to get high without inhaling smoke. Smoke is a respiratory tract irritant that might leave you coughing and have other adverse health issues if prolonged. Getting high on edibles is, therefore, a better way, especially if puff, puff, pass doesn’t excite you. If you asked me to choose between […]
How Long Does Weed Stay Fresh?
Every grower wants a huge yield. You always want to get the best out of your grow space—the bigger the yield, the merrier. However, keeping your weed fresh for long is as important as growing it. You don’t want to lose your potent buds to mold infestation or reduce its quality due to poor climatic […]
What Marijuana Strain Is Best For Anxiety?
We all can’t evade anxiety— in a fast-paced world, it would be abnormal not to be anxious sometimes. However, if you experience chronic worrying that depletes your energy and lowers your quality of life, then you should get a diagnosis. A medical doctor will take you through tests to diagnose the seriousness of your condition. […]
How Do You Get Rid of Stoned Eyes Fast?
Perhaps you have smoked weed on your way to work. The air fresheners have removed the weed stank, but your eyes are about to reveal your little secret to the boss. The red eyes, though not painful, can be the deal-breaker. You can get rid of the red, high eyes after smoking weed by using […]
Where Does Marijuana Grow Naturally?
Growing marijuana comes with a lot of satisfaction. There’s no better feeling than smoking your buds you cultivated. However, you can enjoy the thrills of wild marijuana— there’s a lot of weed growing in the wild. The only reason you haven’t smoked ‘ditch weed’ is that you probably don’t know where to find it. Oh, […]
Weed Paranoia: 9 Tips to Combat cannabis-induced paranoia
Almost every stoner has had a weed paranoia experience. While everybody stones for the feelings of euphoria and enchantment, sometimes you end up with feelings of panic and paranoia. And it’s normal, don’t freak out. Let’s look at the scientific explanation of how weed causes paranoia. How Does Weed Cause Paranoia? Well, the link between […]